Friday, May 30, 2008

Comcast Gets Hacked

In what was supposed to be a minor situation, has become pretty major as people continue to talk about Comcast's webpage getting hacked. For those of you who have not heard about this yet, two hackers hijacked the Comcast web portal Thursday night and were able to deface the company's homepage :

Comcast Gets Hacked

The above story tells what exactly what happened last week when everybody's most loved cable company's website got hacked.

Currently the two hackers are being hunted by the FBI and its only a matter of time until they are caught. What is even better is that both of the hackers knew they would be arrested, yet they still decided to go through with the hack. Oh, and they are also "already regretting" hacking in the first place.

Teens Await Arrest After Comcast Attack

It seems like its been awhile since I've seen a computer hack attempted on a company widely known like Comcast is. Whats even more ironic about this whole situation is that many people dislike Comcast, so a lot of people are somewhat satisfied with this hack. I guess in some people's eyes, Comcast Corporation is the New York Yankees of cable television services.

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Thursday, May 01, 2008


After my previous post today about Grand Theft Auto IV, it did not take long for me to find an organization that is against the sale of GTA IV.

Earlier today, it was brought to my attention that MADD (Mothers Against Drunk Driving) is trying to get GTA IV taken off store shelves due to "drunken driving" being included in the game.

MADD Protests GTA 4 Over Drunk Driving Scene

Below is a video portraying how gamers can drive drunk in GTA IV...

If you'd ask me, trying to ban a game for something as minor as a "public drunkenness" feature is pretty lame. Sure it's MADD's thing to make a stand against it, but to ban a game for something as minor as this is flat out stupid. I have seen the drunk driving feature in this game, and not one bit did it make me want to go out and attempt driving drunk, and I do not think it is that harmful. In addition, the game suggests you should grab a cab ride home, so in playing GTA IV, the gamer is educated that drinking/driving is not a winning combination.

Nonetheless, this article is interesting to say the least and I am very anxious to see if MADD will be able to persuade politicians to possibly ban this game.

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