Mats Sundin PokerStars Commercial
Seems that in the past few years one activity that has gained lots of national notoriety is the game of poker. Whether it be televised tournaments (WSOP), songs by famous artists (Lady Gaga - Poker Face), online poker commercials (Full Tilt) or the many famous celebrities (Charles Barkley) who have endorsed the sport, poker has jumped a lot in popularity from where it used to be..
Prior to this "poker boom", I had heard of the game, but never managed to play a game of poker in my life. Since the boom has begun, not only do I play poker every once in awhile, but I also watch poker events on TV, and keep an eye out for anything poker related in the news.
While watching TV earlier tonight, I saw a new poker commercial which featured NHL star Mats Sundin of the Vancouver Canucks. Was a pretty interesting spot, and I did not see this hockey/poker combination of a commercial coming from Poker Stars. Was a good spot featuring Sundin, and you can view the clip below.
Labels: Mats Sundin, Poker, Toronto Maple Leafs