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Check Your Nutritional Facts Before Eating

So after I attended the Minnesota/Iowa football game this evening, I decided to stop off at a local grocery store for something to drink and snack on. While browsing around for a beverage, not only did I find a Stewart's Orange N' Cream soda to quench my thirst, but I also managed to locate a very large chocolate chip cookie near the cash register. Not thinking much about the nutritional value of my food selection at the time, I proceeded to pay for my items and leave the store.

Upon getting home, I began to enjoy my soda, as it had been awhile since I had a Stewart's brand soft drink and am a big fan of cream soda. Before eating my cookie, I decided to check out the nutritional facts on the back of the wrapper to see what I was getting myself into.

Little did I know that upon checking out how unhealthy the cookie was, I saw there were 500 calories in my cookie. Sure it was a pretty good sized cookie to begin with, but c'mon...I might as well have eaten two cheeseburgers, drank a couple of beers or eaten some nachos at the Metrodome instead.

Just goes to show why checking nutritional facts can make you feel either very good/bad about what your eating, or in my case, baffled as I was surprised to see 500 calories for a chocolate chip cookie. Needless to say, I still went on to enjoy the cookie and ate every last morsel of it.

On a quick side note, I will be going for a run soon to burn off these excess calories I picked up as a result of eating this monster cookie :)

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