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My Brand New System

So in my previous post, I voiced my current displeasure about my XBox 360. Sure its a great system, but at the same time, Microsoft's gaming console has been a pain in the ass with the slew of technical problems that have come with purchasing the system.

After writing this article about my 360, the thought of purchasing a PlayStation 3 truly invaded my head for the first time. Sure whenever I've been having problems with my XBox 360, the thought of owning a PS3 has come to my mind, but with my games freezing up more and more as of late, the thought has gotten even bigger. As I went to bed Monday night, I sat in my bed seriously contemplating going to the store and purchasing a PS3 on Tuesday morning.

When I woke up Tuesday, I still felt like getting PlayStation3. With MLB 08: The Show set to be released as well, it gave me another reason to want to grab the PS3 from a store shelf. So after doing some thinking, reading up on the console a little bit more, I figured I was going to go through with this purchase.

I went to my local Best Buy, and ended up picking up both a PS3 and MLB 08. I was lucky as I was able to get a free copy of Spiderman 3 on Blue-Ray with my PS3 purchase. Still having PS3 fever after going to Best Buy, I also ran over to a local video game store and reserved my copy of GTA IV for yes...the PS3.

Upon arriving home, I hooked up the PS3 and played MLB 08: The Show. After about two hours of playing, I was very satisfied with the purchase. MLB 08 was a great first game to buy, and I've really enjoyed playing it thus far. Also with GTA set to come out in 54 days, I am now anxiously awaiting the release of that game onto the PS3 as well.

Looking back at buying the PS3, the decision was a tough one, but I think it was the right move. Sure the XBox 360 has been fun to play, but since purchasing the PS3, I have yet to even touch my 360. Also, the relief of not having any flashing red lights, disc read errors and frozen games to deal with has been a welcomed change as well.

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