The best college in the land...
Today I booted up my computer, and decided to log onto MSN Messenger to check my mail and whatnot. Upon doing this, I found an article written by The Princeton Review that had listings of the best colleges in the United States. Inside this article, they ranked schools in different categories (ex - parties, academics, best price, etc.) and had lots of general information listed about the schools on these lists. The small town college of Wisconsin-River Falls, where I attend school was nowhere to be found on any of the main pages (wow, what a shock that was), but after doing some searching, I found some information about the school:
The Princeton Review - Unviersity of Wisconsin-River Falls...
Student Body:
"River Falls definitely has small-town charm with a li'l bit of a cosmo kick! Students come here from high schools ranging from 50 to 5,000 [students], and they definitely intermingle," reports one upbeat undergraduate. "I feel the majority of students learn to leave their prejudices behind. It's too small of a campus not to." Diversity is an issue for some; many UWRF students "come from farming communities" to form a "mainly Caucasian crowd," although "the increasing Hmong community in the Twin Cities is sending many students to River Falls, definitely increasing the diversity."
Campus Life:
The combination of a small-town setting and a student population drawn primarily from the surrounding region means many students leave campus on the weekends. Writes one undergrad, "During the week, school is lots of fun, but the major problem with this campus is that everyone leaves on the weekend, so there is nothing to do." Another student tells us, "On this campus, you have to be able to entertain yourself on weekends. There are always house parties, but if you're looking for something else to do, there's a movie theatre, pool hall, bowling alley, a few good restaurants, and lots of bars." Students report that Wednesday and Thursday "are the big party nights." For fun, writes an undergrad, "my friends and I hang out, play games, cook food and serve it to the public [or] go sledding" during Wisconsin's long cold winter. Students agree, "The campus itself is absolutely beautiful . . . . There's nothing like waking up in the morning, throwing open your shades and seeing sky—no buildings, no people." When they need a more urban setting, undergrads head for the Twin Cities or Hudson, Wisconsin. Many undergrads, especially those among UWRF's sizeable commuter population, complain that "the school needs to have more places to park."
So after reading the short description about UWRF, I picked apart the article, and explained what a couple of the phrases (underlined ones) really mean:
cosmo kick - Cosmo means "world", so basically they're saying River Falls is a small town with a "world kick". Ummm...last time I checked, this college was just a regular small-town college with people from mostly Minnesota and Wisconsin. The only cosmo kick I saw would have to have been a person on my floor who was born in Wisconsin, and ended up moving to Japan a couple years ago...he was known as an Albino-Wisconsinite-Japanese.
one - I liked how they said "one upbeat graduate", because maybe there is only one of those people walking around the campus.
everyone leaves - Well, at least they stated the obvious here...everybody does leave this school on weekends and this place turns into some sort of...ghost-campus with your occasional nerd leaving the dorm to go study in the library.
nothing to do - I will say though that if you look hard, there are actually things to do on weekends here (umm...errr like go to the library and study).
lots of bars - Come to River-Falls, because just like any other college town, we too have lots of bars. I also bet the parents really wanted to read this article to know that there are many local watering holes for their son/daughter.
Wednesday - When I first came to this place, I found out that Thursday is the true party night. However, I have never seen people partying on Wednesday nights around I missing something here or is there some bangin underground party that I wasn't invited to?
Cook food and serve it to the public - Sounds like a knock-my-socks off activity if you'd ask me...although they never offered me any food when they did this one...bastards.
no buildings, no people - Yeah, they really must have gotten desperate here for words that best described River-Falls. I will say that every morning when I woke up, I did see sky, but I also saw buildings and people walking down the street to yeah, this description is complete bull**** too.
So yeah, after reading this article, you have gotten a "true" description of what Wisconsin-River Falls really has to offer. When I initially read this article, it didn't say much, but after adding in my glossary of words listed within the article, as Fat Joe would say, the article means "So Much More" now.
lew~you obviously don't know the real river falls campus and i am stunned to learn this is how you feel about river falls! especially about the bars, there are only like 2 bars in the town and there are no party houses...what are you talking about?? lol. j/k. so you must have way too much time on your hands. hope your summer is a party hoppin' one! but the blogs are a good read and a good laugh...i look forward to more good reviews!
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Anonymous |
10:37 PM